
So on Tuesday, at the gym, I saw a guy with an MIT t-shirt. I walked up to him and said, “NERD!” I quickly followed up with a bunch of gibberish only comprehensible to MIT grads and it took a while for him to get what I was telling him. Turns out he went there for grad school and that barely counts. The true torture happens when you’re an undergrad at MIT.

Other than that, I have almost nothing. I was way to awake at work and that was just making me paranoid. The co-worker I tend to bug when I’m bored (another disgruntled employee) decided to “WFH” which is supposed to mean “work from home” but really meant he was probably watching Judge Judy and surfing for pr0n. Which isn’t much less productive than I was, because they still haven’t given us much of a hint as to what we’re really supposed to be doing at work.