I need new golf clubs.

Another one of the neighbors was yelling at the crowd today. She needed to get out of her driveway and of course it was blocked by people coming to see the birds. It’s bad when someone can make a peace activist yell. I guess you don’t want to block her driveway when she needs to get downtown before something closes.

My co-worker took a week off of work to go golfing with his wife. He bought new clubs and now he’s trying to get me to do the same. I should probably learn how to play with the clubs I already have, even though there are other clubs rated much higher.

The book I’m currently reading is The Devil in White City which was given to me by Carolyn’s friend Heidi for helping her fix her blog. If I recall, I didn’t have to do all that much and so far this book is pretty interesting. Much more interesting than most factual books, anyway.