Did I have plans?

I thought I was going to be lazy and sleep in until 8:30. I don’t seem to get to bed early enough during the week and I make up for it on the weekends. When I got up it was almost 10. That meant I wasn’t early enough to see all the trash on the hill, but I heard it was pretty bad.

I went and had my fourth golf lesson today. Fortunately it wasn’t so painful. What was painful was my third Structural Integration session: the lateral line. Apparently working on my lats shortened them up and loosening the fascia was quite painful. As were the muscles around my knee, where I had all my trouble when I used to run a lot. This is all supposed to be more gentle than Rolfing, so I can’t imagine what that’s like. All I could think during the thing was, “What did I ever do to you?”

Ah well. Somebody backed into my car and bent my front license plate but that’s bound to happen anyway. Maybe the weather will be cold enough that the birds will go away. That’ll be one less annoyance anyway.