My relatives are coming.

I was moving things around in preparation for my aunt, her sister-in-law, and a family friend to come from Japan. I had to clear some stuff off of the bed in my “office” which really is another flat surface for me to pile up my clean laundry. I think I have way too many t-shirts. Fortunately, we’ve been taking a lot of my dad’s old stuff to Goodwill lately and my old clothes have been going too. My pants, which mysteriously shrunk, are among the things going. Oddly enough I bought a pair of shorts for golf from Target earlier this summer and what they call 32 is what I call a hell of a lot bigger.

In the middle of all of my “cleaning,” my sister called and wanted some information from the Parade Magazine in the Sunday paper. Of course it’s garbage day and I had to go out with a flashlight to dig it out of the recycle bin. I think she’d already recycled hers the day before. I should tell her my back hurts from all the stooping over the recycle bin. Not that she’d care.