I had something.

My mom and my brother-in-law had dinner tonight. My sister is off running somewhere. He showed us the progress he’s making on his house remodeling project. He’s a high school teacher after all, so he has a whole summer to not go to work.

I worked from home today because I really just have some programming to do. I can honestly say I’m not a big fan of Ruby on Rails. I did have a chance to sleep in and even get a haircut during lunch.

Haircut August 2007.

The sleeping in was probably the best part. I even had a dream where I was setting up a computer in a classroom at MIT and they started the class. The first guy was analyzing some sort of electromagnetics with a Jacobian matrix. I don’t even remember what a Jacobian matrix is and I’m dreaming about it? What happened to dreaming about attractive women I can’t go out with?