Crumby surprise.

My friend Sun in NYC wanted to cheer me up and so she sent me some cookies from Amai Tea and Bake house. I ate a can of Lemongrass and Ginger cookies and was about to start on the chai almond when I had an unwelcome surprise. The cookies didn’t travel well!

Cookie crumbs.

While the cookies were disappointing, it didn’t turn out to be a bad evening. I emailed Sun about the cookies and she called. We chatted nonsensically until her cell phone died. We even compared housing costs in different markets. Basically, it costs a buttload to live in SF or NYC but it doesn’t pay proportionately more in those markets. And 2 out of 3 web sites agreed that NYC is more expensive than SF.

I am starting to look outside Megacorp for a new job, though not too seriously yet. It’s about time.