In case anyone wonders why my sister’s web site is gone.

My sister hung up on me, so I deleted it.

I haven’t been in a good mood lately, and my group meeting at Megacorp never cheers me up. Usually I feel better afterwards because a particular co-worker and I go to lunch and kvetch about work. He was on vacation today, so I walked to Burgerville by myself.

On the way I remembered my sister wanted our dad’s old mini-fridge and his TV for her warehouse. I tried calling but got no answer so I called my mom. She had no idea and told me my sister hadn’t called in days. Finally I called my sister’s cell phone.

My sister told me she was moving her fabric to her warehouse on Sunday and that I had to help. I reminded her that she was always haranguing me about helping people move because I always seem to hurt my back. She said she was exempt from the rule.

I also asked why she hadn’t called our mom. A while ago my sister told me that I should move to California if I wanted because she could help with our mom. But she can’t even be bothered to call. She reminded me that she was at the beach but I know she was back early because she was sending me email. When I pointed this out, she said, “But I had no cell phone coverage!” This made no sense since she was already back. Then she said, “And I had to go to a birthday party last night!” I started to say, “But I didn’t know about any birthday party,” but she just hung up on me.

I don’t think I would have been as mad if she said, “Gotta go, <CLICK>!” but she just hung up on me. I’m still pretty pissed about it and I’m no longer speaking to her. If she is busy with enough friends that she’s too busy to call her own mom, she can get them to help her move. In fact, all her email to me is going in the trash and I deleted her web site off my server. Unfortunately for a bunch of knit bloggers and about a bazillion comment spammers, it included her blog. Anyway, it’s gone now. And so is she. Good riddance.