Henry’s coming.

My head kind of hurts again. I’m not that sore from the not-really-rolfing massage I got but something’s going on with my head. Again. It’s not just me and I think it’s the weird weather yet again. It was very humid for this area and rained today.

I haven’t seen very many people who were at MIT with me and Henry, who was next door to me in the dorm almost all four years, is going to be in town tomorrow. He was always a bit more free market than I am and he’s now a stock analyst or something. In any case, I haven’t seen the guy since 1986, though I have talked to him a few times and emailed him every few years. You know how guys are.

I just realized I haven’t played golf in over two weeks. Life and weather sure haven’t been very conducive to golf.

I have no willpower.

Life is returning towards normal. My buddy who had the heart attack and I had breakfast today, and he hasn’t changed his diet much. Not yet anyway. Il called and told me stories of his family and he sounds like he’s doing much better now that his recent stress is diminished and his father’s funeral is over. And I remembered to get my prescriptions and the Harry Potter book from the library.

Even with my trip to the painful, er, Rolf-like massage therapist today, driving a half-hour each way, I managed to read most of the Harry Potter book. In fact, I’m 62 pages away from finishing. I don’t have the willpower to stop, so I’ll be up a while longer. I wish this ability would make me more date-worty, but you know how things go.

P.S. He goes into the paper bag factory and carries her out in the end.