Sleepy day.

So I stayed up a little late after getting back from the ER. I think I’m OK for the most part. I got up the morning and decided to sleep in a little, but that didn’t seem to help all that much. My arm hurt from my tetanus shot but Dave the Trainer bailed to go boating so that didn’t affect me all that much.

So my sister has been yelling at me for a couple of day because her Macbook isn’t as easy to set up as I’d led her to believe. She couldn’t get it to work with her wireless network. I drove over there because I had some time (no gym as I mentioned) and it took me 10 seconds to get her hooked up to the wireless network. OK, so I exaggerate. It took me less than a minute, though.

Just in case you didn’t know.

If you have Roundup on your hand, you shouldn’t rub your eye. I was spraying some weed killer around and my hay fever was bothering me. I thought I moved my contact out of place and I even thought I saw it in the mirror later but the sprayer was leaking on my hand. It took a couple of minutes but I realized why my eye was so red. I called the advice nurse, I called Poison Control, I flushed my eye, and then I went to the emergency room. They flushed my eye out some more and gave me a couple of prescriptions. It took a while.

Man, I need to quit finding reasons to see the doctor.