I’m questioning my judgement.

I was looking at two attractive women at the gym and I thought, “Man I wish I was as buff as her,” and, “Man, I wish I had her abs,” when the sane thing would have just been to say, “Woo, she’s hot.” But really the buff one just won in the fitness category at the Emerald Cup up in Washington, so I guess I wasn’t that far off. Dana the trainer told me I need to watch my diet if I want my muscles to be that well defined. I don’t think I’m willing to give up the cheeseburgers and fried chicken. Dave did the monthly measurement of my fat ass and at least I’m not that far off of previous months.

Really, the only other things that happened today was my wanting to walk out of work and never go back (a common occurrence) and having the attractive acupuncture student at the gym actually talk to me and tell me that Us Magazine was filling my head full of eye candy. Well, yeah, I think that was the point. Everyone was catching me check her out and I had to look at something else.