Apparently this is a blog about back pain.

My back started to hurt on Sunday and today, Tuesday, it got really bad. I wasn’t able to walk without a limp so I called the acupuncturist. The acupuncturist moved my leg around and nothing hurt until he did one thing that told him that it was a tight piriformis muscle, whatever that is. Whatever it is it hurts like hell. He did the whole acupuncture thing and I’m not sure if it’s any better but it made my opposite shoulder hurt where stuck a needle.

So instead of exercising I ate dinner and tried to read a book. I stress the “tried” because I fell asleep instead.

Other than that, there isn’t much new. More and more people at work are asking why I haven’t found a new job yet, but that never is easy for me. I just have to keep looking and keeping my fingers crossed.