So, about the time that Bones should have been on (instead of American Idol which I’ve never watched), I was wondering how early I could go to bed. I’ve been tired all week and, of course, haven’t been getting enough sleep. Somehow I’m missing time from 8:15PM to 9:00PM. The snoring coming from the room should have no bearing on the FACT that I was ABDUCTED by ALIENS because of the MISSING TIME. Well, I don’t feel like I’ve been probed and feel a little more refreshed, but that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. It makes my Wednesday night sound more exciting.

Comic relief.

I think my position at the gym is to be comic relief. Most people there probably don’t think I’m funny, but that’s OK. They had the stair climbing things all moved around to clean underneath them, so I got on the one that was furthest in front and told the other people that I was winning. Stuff like that.

It snowed last night but of course it didn’t stick on any of the roads in my commute. I stayed up a little late trying to un-screw-up my computer thinking that I had a slim chance of getting to sleep in. Of course I didn’t get to sleep in. There was also a low pressure zone that made everyone sleepy and getting less sleep didn’t help things. I really should learn to plan ahead for these kind of things.