Grumpy grumpus.

I was in a piss-poor mood this morning and it only got worse when I found out that “my” test computers at Megacorp were altered while I was gone. It was the kind of day where I used a certain word quite often, in the sentences, “KISS MY …,” and, “SHOVE IT UP YOUR …”

Fortunately my mood got a bit better after I got in a meeting and let everyone know how I was feeling. Several people in charge agreed that I didn’t need to work around the clock this weekend and I only had to promise a bunch of stuff by Friday.

Even better, I made it to the gym. It’s quite crowded with the resolution people there. I had to walk away from one guy because I moved something he was about to use so I could get some space and he had a hissy fit. He’s a big guy who wears SAE t-shirts and I wanted to hit him with a dumbbell. (I think his SAE stands for the fraternity Sodomy And Ecstasy, and not the Society for Automotive Engineers.) Fortunately it clears out about 7PM, and I was in a much better mood after some light torture.