Vacations are better than work.

I did almost nothing on vacation and I had much more fun than being at work because I WASN’T AT WORK. Heh. I don’t know why some people don’t understand that. After getting up at 9:30AM every day for two weeks, it was torture to hear the 6AM alarm clock. And they started in on me early, because the project leads are all leaving for different sections of Megacorp and they want to have their parts of the project complete. I’m probably going to be the only one left in the group just before they lay off everyone in the group.

I had a hard time getting going at the gym today because I was tired, and because there were so many people I hadn’t seen for a while. The start of the year is always a popular time for people to come back to the gym. I’m too chatty, so I had to say hello to everyone. And when I should have been going home I got sucked into watching a boxing match on ESPN. It was an old fight of Muhammed Ali’s and I was pretty sure he was going to win but he took his own sweet time at it. I don’t really like watching boxing, but I get sucked into watching lots of sporting events when I shouldn’t. Ah, well, it kept me from staring at the women, which I know is rude but what else is there to look at while you’re stuck on the cardio machines?