Job’s changing again.

I think now I’m supposed to build an ark. What’s a cubit?

It was raining like “the dickens” today. The wind blew so hard that it sucked the doors open in the cafeteria at Megacorp. It was pretty exciting. We had another descriptive meeting today where the big boss showed powerpoint slides of what we’re doing. Lots of clouds and arrows and the words, “customer,” and, “client.” They didn’t answer the two questions I wanted answered: who’s my boss and what are we doing. The big picture never shows the guy with the shovel.

I think I’m supposed to go to two parties this weekend. The first is an “ugly sweater” party and unfortunately the ugliest sweater we had in the house (or at least the most ridiculous) went away with Megan. I wonder what she did with it. I have a multicolored cardigan I used to like. I’m not much for wearing sweaters because they seem to wear out in the elbows and that bothers me.