No longer TV-less.

I went to the evil Target today (evil according to Megan, I can’t remember why) and used my rain check for a $150 Trutech LCD TV. I wasn’t about to put up with a fuzzy $550 TV, but I can put up with a lot more for just $150. It’s not completely clear, but it’s fuzzy in a different way. It just looks like a bad TV signal with weird color, and not some weird computer-generated fuzz. It’s just TV, after all, and ONLY $150!

I got another pep talk at work today and was told that constant change is a good thing. Move around and rise to a level of incompetence. I don’t know if I agree this is good.

Get this, I added a guy who worked in a nearby group to some sort of acquaintance link on a website. LinkedIn or something like that. Apparently he doesn’t know me well enough to be a reference and rejected me as an acquaintance. Sheesh. He’s a manager who hires guys who are so abrasive that they were fired from Megacorp in the past, but he can’t say he even knows me on a stinking web site? What do you expect from a guy at Megacorp, I suppose.

I hope I have time in the next couple of days to send my MacBook Pro in for repair. The fan is making hideous noises. At least it’s the fan (I think) and not something else.