Lack of motivation day.

So I mentioned that the VP is leaving. I probably forgot to mention that they moved the whole group into a Sales & Marketing organization. We were about half marketing and half engineering. I’m thinking that the engineering half is about to be history. Also, the HR person from China and the HR person from the US have been meeting continuously for the past week. Today, the upper level staff was abuzz and heading back and forth to meeting rooms. And our manager told our group that it was officially time to start being worried now that the VP was leaving.

So, starting this afternoon, my motivation has left me. I couldn’t even force myself to concentrate. I felt miserable until I got to the gym and started getting tortured by Dave the Trainer. For some reason, that always makes me feel better. And a (very) young woman at the gym actually introduced herself to me. In my pathetic social life, that’s a milestone.

Sheesh, they would have to wait until it started raining (and hailing and snowing) before they laid me off. I think the first thing I’m going to do if I’m laid off is to see the Grand Canyon. It’s not on my resolution list, but that’s life.