Oh, m*th#rf#ck#ng h#ll.

I think I found out why the window is buzzing. It’s from the flashing on the edge of the roof! The window makes the noise, but it starts up on the flashing and it conducts down to the window.

I figured it out because it was finally warm enough and dry enough but windy as all hell, so while the wind was blowing and I sat there with my head out the window until I started hearing the buzzing noise. I’ll have to call the roofers tomorrow. It’s been a several years since we got the house re-roofed. I wonder why it started buzzing all of a sudden? Ah, well, at least the mystery is solved (or so I hope).

Like the lawyer told me, though, it didn’t make noise before the window replacement and it makes noise now, so I’m guessing the installers accidentally hit the flashing with their ladders. At least this is something that I might be able to fix myself.

The torture of the gym.

Last Saturday, as I was on a some sort of cardio torture device (next to a very attractive young woman) I saw a Coca-Cola ad on one of the TVs for a Coke float. I mentioned to the woman, “That’s why I come to the gym.” And in reality, food is probably the reason. Today while I was on the same machine, I was giving several the the people around me (all women by the way) the evil eye. Somehow, I smelled angel food cake and I thought that was the most devious and alluring perfume I could think of. Well, other people smelled it too. (Of course I asked them. I am afraid of being as nuts as my sister accuses me of being.)