Dreams and where they get me.

Last night I had a dream where a friend of mine told me that there was a job opening at the Catholic church/Red Cross and so I quit my job at Megacorp to take it. As the dream progressed the job seemed less and less. I was riding a train across a river, and we made it to a snow slide on the opposite bank and I thought about trying to get my job back.

OK, so I have no idea what any of that means.

I saw a woman a woman at the gym yesterday that I’ve decided is my “dream woman.” I’m not sure why I’ve decided that, besides the idea that I keep my fantasies and reality separate and there ain’t no way I’m asking out a hot waitress/Oriental medicine student who works out most days of the week. My puerile fantasy might have gotten back to her since I saw her walking with her friend and snickering at me. Mmmm. Snickers…