Now I remember my resolutions.

Early this week I decided I had until the end of January to come up with my resolutions. Most of the things I want to do this next year don’t actually come up to the level of “resolution” but weird plans to do things. Sort of like buying another pocket knife or something or getting my window fixed. But I think I have the list mainly because I ran out of time.

  1. Steve gave me the first one: attend more parties this year. I think I’m doing OK on that one since I’ve attended most things I’ve been invited to unless, of course, the conflicted with another party.
  2. Eat turducken. It’s time.
  3. Visit Las Vegas or Reno or something. If I can make it to the Grand Canyon or somewhere else nice I’d settle for that as well. Just something in the southwestern United States at least.
  4. Hike some of the trails on the gorge. Ruckel Ridge if nothing else, since I remember it being a little scary when I was in Boy Scouts.

It’s a short list but that’s it for now.

Yeah, I had nothing.

I went to the gym two days in a row (scheduling conflicts) and I was quite tired. I was kind of annoyed at my computer and I was saying, “Have you ever had the kind of day where you wanted to smash up your computer and then cut up your boss with the shards?” In all honesty, I was mad at my computer, nothing else, and I just added the second part to make it sound better.

Now it’s morning and I’m still tired. They should have special Friday coffee.