Jury doody.

OK, first the promised picture from yesterday:

Snowy day.

Today it mostly melted and while I was hoping that it would mean that my jury duty was cancelled, we were supposed to show up 2 hours late instead.

In Multnomah County we currently serve one day every couple of years. You sit in a huge jury room with a giant TV and a lot of strange looking people until you randomly get selected for a jury. Previously, jury duty had been much longer and I’ve spent a whole week in that jury room before. I finally was called up to a courtroom for a DUII case and they asked us questions for an hour-and-a-half before they sent us off for lunch. Of course, I wasn’t selected to be on that jury (or any other). For some reason, this rejection doesn’t feel that bad.

And now my back hurts. I don’t remember lifting anything besides my fat ass out of a chair, so I may be coming down with something. I rode the bus twice today, so it’s likely to be the plague.