I’m too old to stay up so late.

I was at a birthday party and I was close to the last one out again. Instead of getting thrown to the curb at 11:30PM, I left at around 1:30AM. I was a little too tired today because I stayed up too late and also because MY WORTHLESS PELLA WINDOW WAS BUZZING IN THE WIND AGAIN. They’re supposed to come fix it on Tuesday morning. We’ll see if it does any good. They say they’ve never seen the problem so I hope it’s just something loose.

To tell you how tired I was today: I went to Peet’s coffee and bought a pound of coffee beans. Afterwards I went to the ATM to get some money. It was in the low 30°F’s and windy and I was trying to get out of the weather and back to my friend’s truck. I had to set down the beans to operate the ATM, and I think the beans are probably still at the ATM. I didn’t realize I was missing anything until about 15 minutes later and I had to think very carefully about what I had done. At first I couldn’t remember if I’d even taken the beans out of Peets. Yeesh.

OK, I’m going to try to get some sleep tonight. I’ll sleep with earplugs in because it’s supposed to be windy and that means LOUD MOANING from my window. Oh, hey, maybe it’s not broken but just HAUNTED!