I ain’t got nobody.

So, what, one of those online dating services, one that someone convinced me to spend twenty-five of my hard earned dollars on, changed recently to something more abhorrent. Well, at least I can’t tell how they improved it besides making it harder to find matches. In any case, I looked to see how many people had viewed my profile and you can guess that the number. It was less than two. Friendster changed, too and it also tells you how many people have viewed your profile and the number there was less than one. Oy.

Well, I’ve also heard the question, “Why haven’t any of your friends set you up?” and I think the reason is liability. My sister had me meet someone — for no real reason that I can think of since the person lived hundreds or thousands of miles away from me — and this person started yelling at me. Heck, I just made fun of Lake Zero (or as the locals call it, Lake No-negroes) and she just about bit my head off. Even my friends FROM Lake Oswego tell me it’s a snobby rich community. It’s really just my luck.

I think my subconscious is probably having its way with me, too. I was imagining a blind date with one of the women from the gym while I was climbing the infinite stairs, and all I could see in my mind is the woman crying because I’m the best she could do. Even my imaginary love life is taking a turn for the worse.

All I can say is: I think I need a new wristwatch.

I am ungreen.

So I had this wonderful plan to walk to the Max (our light rail system), ride Max to the station closest to work, and then ride the shuttle from the Max to my place of employment. That would be 30 minutes to the station, 35+ minutes on the max, 10 minutes on the shuttle, and there’s no guarantee I wouldn’t be waiting at one or more of the stations. So, instead, I’ve been getting up a little early and driving to work. That takes 35-40 minutes each way, since I’m going a little before the peak.

I kinda feel bad about it, but not bad enough to spend the extra hour and a half commuting each day.