The evil that is my little sister.

Apparently, my sister has been telling stories about me again. A few years back she told her friends the Slabs such stories that they were afraid to meet me. Apparently, she still pulls that kind of crap.

Plus, Megan thinks the reason I have such bad luck with the opposite sex is familial karma. There are all sorts of boys who liked Mariko and she just shined them on and now I’m destined to the alone farm. (OK, so that “alone farm” was lame. But I just spent 15 minutes trying to write a profile on that was eaten by their awful server and I’m pretty much out of creativity for the night.)

Well, I guess the day started out OK. I recognized someone from the gym on the way to work. I asked her if she was the “flag person” because she’s always wearing a t-shirt that says, “Rifles, Sabers, Flags…” or something like that, and I knew that had to have something to do with color guards. It turns out she’s getting her PhD in Computer Science out at OGI. I think she’s always at the gym with some dude, but woo, attractive, smart, and tall. (I like tall women because I’m a big chicken and all I ever do is look. You can see tall women from a lot farther away.)