I am an intolerant right-wing freak.

Or so I was called. Went up to the Scappoose Strawberry Festival and I stopped by Greg’s house to pick him up. Unfortunately, an old friend was there with his new girlfriend. Greg and the new girlfriend got into this horrible pro/anti gun argument and while I didn’t share all of Greg’s Libertarian sentiment, I also thought that the woman was a goofus who had no grasp of real human nature. There was a lot of “everyone get along” and other woo-woo crap that was truly annoying. And all her “we must teach peace” crap and “anyone can be like Martin Luther King, Jr.” nonsense just made me angry. I hope I never see her again. Later, I told Greg that and he told me I was an intolerant right-wing freak.

So, Il and I ditched them and went to the Strawberry Festival. I told Greg’s wife Keeley and also his daughter Bridget that I had to leave him because he was embroiled in a senseless argument about guns. Keeley just said, “Oh, no,” and laughed. Bridget said, “What gun argument are they having? Which gun to shoot?” AHAHAHA. Best quote ever!