Wow. What a bunch of bullies.

I suppose some people use blogs as “news” and even read internet news sites. (I must admit I read the NY Times and BBC headlines online.) But some people are even holding blogs up to journalistic standards that our news media won’t follow. I came to this from reading some unflattering comments about a neighbor. The guy is wound a bit too tight (he’s from Philly) and was “caught” making backroom deals in Portland. Not illegal backroom deals, but ones that we don’t cotton to out here in the west. Well, I know I’m being equally deluded in that comment, but you get the drift.

In any case, the blog post and the subsequent bullying by anonymous sources are around 17,000 words long. And I mean bullying. Than, who is the one under scrutiny, fired off some rather bullyish statements that could be taken as funny but aren’t. And then others got into it, including one guy (male or female I don’t know since they’re ANONYMOUS) who must have had a job writing getting paid by the word. And other thinly hidden Libertarian crap.

Come on people, this is the intarweb. It’s used to host knitting blogs and unsound physics and whatever sorts of pr0n you’d ever want. Come to think of it, maybe wonkism is political pr0n.