My abject apologies.

I am very, very sorry that THE FOOD IN THE KANTO DISTRICT OF JAPAN IS ASS. It’s salty and if you say there’s no flavor they add more salt. They use subtle flavorings like salt mixed with the salt to make things more salty.

I really haven’t eaten in Tokyo for thirteen years, but Japan’s an old country so I don’t expect that things have changed much since I was last there.

OK, so this is a bit incendiary to the Tokyoites out there, but I’m sorry: to an Osaka dweller, the food in Tokyo is swill. I’m sure the Tokyoites have bad things to say about Osaka as well. It usually has something to do with gangsters.

So the past couple of days I’ve been getting repeated odd phone calls from a rather distraught woman asking, “What am I supposed to do?” The first phone call was rather garbled and only parts I could understand in were that her husband had recently passed away. I finally got ahold of her and she thought I was a pension plan. She didn’t know what to do, so I did some calling around and found the people she needed to call. She has mistaken a 9 for a 0 and a 6 for a 5. I hope things work out of her.