How to look a gift computer in the mouth.

Yesterday I took a lot of naps, but I did get a free computer from a friend. It was a fairly new Pentium 4 system, but it needed more RAM and I wanted to replace the operating system. The RAM it uses is specialized and costs twice as much as the cheap stuff. And buying it wasn’t easy either. My local computer dealer told me it didn’t exist any more and after I ordered it on the web I got an email telling me that I only ordered one unit when it only works in pairs.

OK, so I got home and I tried to install software. This meant I needed to find some floppy disk and it took ELEVEN before I found one that worked. You can imagine how that worked: write a program to the floppy, try to run the program from the floppy, try the floppy again, give up and go to the next.

I think I’ll find another hobby with easily found parts. No computers, no yarn, no clay. Maybe just moving the rocks in the yard around or standing out in the rain. Something simple.