Those three beautiful words!

I guess the samples they didn’t lose let them see that I had a “complete cytogenetic response.” They still have to do some PCR on my blood to make sure things are OK at the molecular level. The poke in the hip wasn’t so useless after all.

Every day I have to endure the flirting of my co-worker with the girl who works at Java Man Coffee. For a guy who doesn’t have any romance in his life (me), it’s sort of like putting up with drunk people when you’re sober. Today I got to look at pictures of a Cambodian engagement party while he did his flirting so it wasn’t so bad. But I did see her writing on his hand.

“Aha!” I thought, “A phone number!”

She even told him, “Don’t wash that hand.”

When we got outside, I noticed all that she was draw a picture of a coffee cup on his hand. Heh.