This blog ain’t for you.

My boss pointed out that some people think blogs are self-important ramblings and probably shouldn’t exist. Well, tough. I have a web server, I set it up, and I can put whatever I want on it. I’m not sending you spam, I’m not forcing you to come to my web site, and sure I’m just talking crap but I think one of the amendments to the U.S. Constitution allows U.S. citizens to talk crap. Don’t like it? Read something else. Find some internet porn. Turn off the computer and take a walk.

So this is my page, and some people read it. And sometimes friends will come by and see how I’m doing. (I’m doing well, thank you for asking. Hay fever is acting up a bit, but I think everyone is having that problem this year.)

I got my fancy ham radio kit today so I’ll be hiding in the basement for a couple of days putting it togethter. Yet another thing to make me incredibly attractive to women.